
How are Slip and Fall Settlements Determined?

How are Slip and Fall Settlements Determined?

Slip and Fall Settlements When you're injured in a slip and fall accident, your life is disrupted. You’re in pain, may have limited energy and mobility, and your medical bills go up with each doctor appointment or physio session. When you can’t work, it compounds the...

Lost Wages: What to do after an Auto Accident?

Lost Wages: What to do after an Auto Accident?

Lost Income is Recoverable If you have been injured and missed work as the result of a car accident, there is good news. The at-fault driver's insurance will pay you for your lost wages (even if you use vacation or sick days). The bad news is (much like our discussion...

Full Coverage: What is it?

Full Coverage: What is it?

While many people believe they have full coverage, there is actually no such thing as "full coverage" for your car. Billion dollar ad campaigns make auto insurance seem simple and comforting. The message conveyed is that you are in "good hands" because "like a good...

Former Officer Destroyed Evidence

Former Officer Destroyed Evidence

After evidence was uncovered that a former officer destroyed evidence in a murder investigation, the daughter of an Upstate woman raped and murdered in a 1984 cold case is suing the City of Simpsonville and the Simpsonville Police Department for damages after vital...